Lead Pastor
Pastor Phil Stevenson
Pastor Phil is a graduate of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (’92) and has been a pastor for the past 30+ years. In July of 2009, Phil came to Sunrise and continues to enjoy serving as this church family’s Senior Pastor. In this capacity, Phil provides spiritual guidance to the ministry through preaching, visionary leadership, counseling, administrative oversight, and pastoral care. Phil is married to Lisa whom he met and married at Sunrise in 1987. Together they have 8 children, 5 biological and 3 adopted, plus his grand kids. In his free time, you might find Pastor Phil at one of his kids many sporting events, riding his bike, reading a book, or enjoying time with close friends. The highlight of any week would be to catch some alone time with Lisa, wherever and whenever that is possible.
General Description of the Senior Pastor’s Job:
To join the present SBC staff, Deacon Board, and congregation in fulfilling the Mission and Vision of the church by strengthening our outreach to and discipleship of the people of the SBC family and community. To exercise the spiritual gifts and calling as a pastor in the following General and Specific Pastoral Roles and Responsibilities.
General Pastoral Roles and Responsibilities: (These are responsibilities shared by others with me and are dynamic, meaning they can change from week to week. For example, all of us attend the weekly staff meeting, only some of us attend preaching team. For others this will also include preaching occasionally, and other pastoral responsibilities that are shared like weddings, funerals, visitation, counseling, etc.)
Plan and preach sermons that provide biblical instruction and with help from the Holy Spirit call people to trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, to embrace a Spirit-filled life, and to glorify God in all aspects of life.
Work with others gifted in preaching and teaching to create a team of preachers and teachers who can provide biblical instruction that will equip the saints of SBC to do the work of ministry.
Be available and prepared to teach when needed in Sunday School, LEAD Academy, Discipleship Training Center, small groups, etc. settings when needed
Shepherd (Visitation/Pastoral Care/Counselor)
Minister to the people through prayer, Biblical counsel & encouragement, and being present in their time of need.
Provide leadership and care for members of SBC and the community that requires specific pastoral attention, e.g. weddings, funerals, times of personal crisis, etc.
• Provide onsite leadership in the day to day, week to week operations of the church• Lead weekly Staff Meetings in order to coordinate the regular operations of the ministry, plan for future ministry activity and events, and address ministry challenges and opportunities as they arise.
• Work closely with the support staff and Deacons in developing effective tools of communication to enhance SBC’s ministry to the congregation and community.
• Give oversight to the implementation of the Employee Manual and Handbook
Specific Pastoral Roles and Responsibilities: (This list includes roles and responsibilities that are more individualized and static. They are the primary roles and responsibilities I have pertaining to my specific job as senior pastor.)
Visionary Leader
Provide prayerful and strategic leadership through sermons, classes, personal contacts, networking with other leaders, etc. to accomplish the overall Mission and Vision of the church
Work closely with the Pastoral Staff, Deacon Board Chairman and Deacon Board in development of future ministry plans, budgets, election of church officers and leadership development.
Worship Leader
Help plan and lead worship in-person, as well as online, services that magnify the sufficiency of God, by exalting the Lord Jesus through the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Work closely with the Worship Team, Worship Planners, Tech Ministry Team in facilitating all types of in-person and online services which inspire the people of SBC to worship God above all other gods.
Provide instruction, preparation, and leadership for special worship occasions such as baptisms, baby dedications, building dedications, weddings, funerals, etc.
Ministry Leader
Meet regularly with pastoral staff (weekly “pastor meeting” and monthly “Pastor Half- Days”) to pray, learn, and strategize together, seeking the Lord’s guidance in various areas of the ministry. (For example, Digital Leaders Forum Class, Church Constitution Discussions, etc.)
Help guide and assist Staff Members, Deacons, Ministry Team Leaders, & Committee Chairs in meeting the objectives of their ministries.
Provide instruction and coordination for SBC ministries so that the Mission and Vision of SBC is advanced.
Staff Director
Oversee, evaluate, and encourage the work of each staff member (Pastors & Support Staff) so that they are fulfilling their job descriptions and advancing the Mission and Vision of SBC.
Develop the strength of SBC’s staff by nurturing healthy relationships between staff members in order to create an effective ministry team.