Children’s Sunday School
Sunrise has lots to do for children on a Sunday morning!
There are Sunday School classes for children from Nursery to 6th Grade for the Sunday School hour during the school year.
Babies birth through 2 years old are cared for by dedicated leaders who desire to extend the love of God to them and their families .
2 & 3 year olds
Two and three year olds learn to recognize that the Bible is God’s Word and that He loves and cares for them. Each week the children hear a Bible story, worship, pray, have a snack and play.
Pre-K & Kindergarten
This class takes children chronologically through the Old and New Testaments building their foundation to know and love God. The Bible comes alive as children sing, role play and act out the stories.
1st & 2nd Grade
Boys and girls in 1st and 2nd grade learn about the attributes of God and the promises of God using Truth 78 curriculum. Through hands on demonstrations and concrete life examples, kids learn about God’s character that never changes and how He will always be faithful to keep His promises.
3rd & 4th Grade Girls
The 3rd and 4th grade girls dig into God’s word together studying Colossians, Philippians, and Ephesians. Each week, they break down the passage and study what it means. They ask God to teach them what He wants them to learn and how to apply it to their personal lives. Girls create their own journal and develop life long skills of spiritual growth.
5th & 6th Grade Girls
The 5th and 6th grade girls use Truth 78 curriculum to learn about the providence of God and His majestic names. My Purpose Will Stand helps kids understand the definition of providence and sovereignty and the ways that God is working in the world to accomplish His purposes. Kids are encouraged to look for God’s hand in their life and trust His providential care. Learning God’s majestic names shows the greatness of God, which is so glorious that He cannot be described in a single name.
3rd & 4th Grade Boys
The 3rd and 4th grade boys use Truth 78 curriculum to focus on Jesus. They engage in a chronological study of redemptive history using weekly clues to discover the answer to the mystery of who killed Jesus and why. They focus on salvation and sanctification explained through the promises of the gospel.
There’s so much for kids to do on a Sunday morning!
5th & 6th Grade Boys
The 5th and 6th grade boys dig deeply into God’s word together through the study of Genesis. Each week they work through a passage, studying what it means as a foundation to their faith.
Jesus said, "Let the children come to me..." Matthew 19:14
Jesus said, "Let the children come to me..." Matthew 19:14
All children need to be checked in and come to Sunday School with a name tag.
Please make sure your current cell phone number is in our system so if a need arises we can call or text.
For the safety of children, all children nursery through 2nd grade need to be picked up by an adult after Sunday School.
For more information contact our children's ministry director
Laurie King

Find out more about Children’s Ministry at Sunrise!
Sunrise Baptist Church Children’s Sunday School is using the Truth:78 Sunday School curriculum. For more information you can talk to Laurie King or view the curriculum information at Truth78.org